Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Healthy Choice Soup for Lunch and it was...

DIS-GUST-ING...there was some kind of bitter after taste and though it was FIVE POINTS, it was mostly broth. Color me irritated. I feel swindled and I'M STILL HUNGRY!! The real kicker here is that I feel like I ate ear wax. I mean, there is a lingering, waxy taste taking up residence in the back of my throat. Brown paper bagging it from now on, damnit!

Point here is that I.Am.Starving.

This post is all about caps-lock! I am thinking about getting a Fiber One Bar out of the vending machine but it's five points and I can't really afford that (points wise). I need to preserve my points since I am going to Spinnnig tonight and will likely be ravenous once I leave. Huh! I'm gonna hold out until 3:15pm to eat one of my Special K Protein Snack Bars and all will be right with the world.

I have to stop thinking about food so much.

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