Wednesday, March 30, 2011

45 Push-Ups to Start the Morning...

What a way to wake up!!! Right? Right! It definitely got my blood pumping this morning and I am feeling really good about the day so far. I actually got the idea for push-ups in the morning from the fabulous Nola Devlin of "The Cinderella Pact." I recently read it and it really was the driving force behind me getting off my ass and actually starting this blog and my weight loss. It was uber witty and utterly hilarious and reading about another persons struggle to lose weight and actually succeeding at it made it feasible for me. Even if it was fictitious. Just reading how difficult it was and knowing that other people struggle with it like I do was great because even though it's not a real story, or a true story, it comes from a very real, very true place (the author has weight issues). So I said all that to say that I did 25 push-ups with wide elbows and 20 with my elbows in and I am sure I will be feeling the burn in just a few short hours all because Nola Devlin started doing it early on in her routine.

On to breakfast! I ate Special K Cinnamon Pecan cereal for breakfast and to be quite honest, I would eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I didn't think I might pass out from the lack of a significant source of protein. Anyway, I had a tangerine and a Double Chocolate Special K bar for snack and I am loving what I brought for lunch today: Tomato covered chicken with a slice of whole wheat toast. If you've been paying attention, you know those are leftovers from Monday's dinner.

Speaking of dinner, last nights was DELISH! Chicken and Shrimp Jamaican Jerk Stir Fry with broccoli. I had a half cup of brown rice and a whole cup of chicken and shrimp then I tossed the broccoli in Jamaican Jerk sauce and devoured it. I ate every single grain of rice, head of broccoli, and cube of chicken and shrimp! It was divine. The entire thing was only 6 points. (I'll definitely be eating that again). It was so good that I was half way done before I realized I hadn't taken a picture. Ooops!

One bad thing from yesterday was that I didn't exercise which means I am absolutely not going to get 6 days of exercise in this week. I'm not sulking though because the only reason I failed to exercise is because I was too busy icing my knee which was still aching from the run I did on Monday against Wes' and my better judgement. But you know what, I don't regret it. The weather was cool and it was duck and sometimes a girl just wants to go for a run, damnit. Anyway, I'm back at it tonight. Cardio Jam is where I'll be and I am looking forward to it. Until later...

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